Upon realising that Mark and I have quite ridiculous lives, I have decided to keep a journal. I thought that I would include an excerpt here, enjoy!
Saturday 7.8.10
We've had a very busy, yet very nice Saturday. When Mark finished work, we decided to satisfy our hankering for Sizzlers. Over lunch, Mark animatedly explained how he had healed a patient during his night shift earlier in the week. The patient had been complaining of chest pain and involuntary movements. Mark rushed to the bedside of the patient, who seemed to be convulsing periodically. The patient again complained of chest pain, as his body continued to jerk. After a while, Mark began to notice a noise coming from the man. "Sir, are you hiccuping?". In a Dr House-like fashion, Mark had solved the case. After some deep breathing and a touch of "distraction therapy", the patient was cured. I always said that he would be a brilliant doctor.
Sunday 8.8.10
Last night Mark came down with a case of the hiccups, just as we were trying to go to sleep. The irony was quite amusing. I think it's important to note that Mark's hiccups are quite alarming. It sounds as though a giant protesting frog is demanding release from inside of his throat. This was the perfect opportunity for Mark to once again demonstrate his medical prowess in the field of hiccups. With impenetrable focus, he calmly dissolved a teaspoon of sugar on his tongue, and within minutes, the hiccups were gone. Amazing!
Monday 9.8.10
Yesterday we went to church. Our friends, Craig and Teagen Ferguson, were rostered on to collect the offering. They had indirectly asked Mark if we could both help, and Mark had indirectly forgotten to mention it to me. When offering time was upon us, and Mark casually asked "Are you coming?" as he rose from the pews, there was no time to hesitate. Nor time to put my shoes on. I proceeded to collect the offering barefoot, alongside my husband, who was sporting a shirt that read "Damn, I look good today!". The inappropriateness of this scenario only occurred to me when the youth pastor, Dave Hopper, expressed his mock disgust at "alternative types" such as ourselves.