Monday, June 29, 2009

Just for show...

On Saturday night I went to the Townsville show. It has been a few years since I have been to the show, however I always get irrationally excited. It doesn't matter that I am being blatantly scammed by bogan carnies with loud voices, lame catch phrases and over priced unsafe rides; as far as I am concerned it is still cause for excitement.

I have realised that there are certain traditions that I uphold when I go to the show. Buying a show bag is NOT one of them. Don't get me wrong, show bags are super exciting. Mark and I were chatting to a couple of little girls after watching the fireworks who were positively bubbling over with excitement at the prospect of riffling through their Hannah Montana show bags. However they really are a waste of money. I've only ever bought a handful of show bags as a kid. The last time that I voluntarily burnt cash on a show bag was when I was in lower high school. The show bag was titled... wait for it... "The Original Idiot's Show Bag". How appropriate. In my defence, the show bag came with a complimentary pogo stick, which is what initially caught my attention. I never did master the pogo stick. Quite a difficult endeavour. Anywho.. it also contained a variety of practical jokes which proved to be quite a bit of fun.

One of the traditions that I always honour when I go to the show is standing beneath The Zipper with my head pointed towards the sky, shivering with fear as I watch tiny people being thrashed about in those horrible little cages like rag dolls. Sadistic rag dolls. Maybe one day I will be brave enough to go on The Zipper. It didn't happen this year.

I also really love watching the fireworks. I was very impressed with this year's display, it really was quite spectacular. Fireworks are probably a bit indulgent, however I figure that if someone is willing to blow up thousands of dollars I may as well enjoy watching them do it.

The show is certainly a hoot. However the subtle transition from a sensible budgeting observer to a raving money-burning ride addict is easily made. Don't listen to the carnies. You may have to be in it to win it, but the minuscule feeling of satisfaction that you receive from putting a tiny ball into a clown's mouth and watching as it rolls into the correct slot in order to take home
a giant stuffed yellow chicken is hardly a win. It certainly isn't worth the $30 that you gave away to have the privilege of feeding a ball to a clown. Bear in mind that I say this as someone who still loves the cliche idea of a boy winning a girl a giant stuffed toy after playing the hammer game. So boys, if you want to win your girl an over sized stuffed animal, make sure that it's from one of the more impressive side shows.


Leah said...

I haven't been for a few years either. I was excited when I realised the Show would be in town before I left on holiday this year, but then decided against going to save money for the holiday.

When I do go, however, I do buy a showbag. I'm always very discriminatory though, making sure I get value. I usually buy the ones packed with food and perhaps two or three quality novelty items. That said, as I said earlier, I haven't been for a few years so my idea of a quality novelty item may have changed... or the bags may have changed... I don't know.

We used to go EVERY year when I was younger. I got irrationally excited too. Other Show traditions were buying fairy floss, watching the fireworks, and going on the spinning-chair-merry-go-round thing.

I haven't played one of those sideshow alley games in a long time though. I discovered at a young age that I wasn't going to win anything worthwhile, so saved my money and bought a toy that I did like :P

Scott said...

Carly, I love your unique perspectives.

1. I've never thought of fireworks as 'blowing up money'.

2. You really are a girl.. Boy winning a girl a giant stuffed animal at the hammer stall.. Really...
...Really not a bad idea, actually.

One question though, would it be such a great experience standing right below the Zipper and being showered in a spray of semi-digested hot-dog and fairy floss?

Carly said...

Hehe... I'm glad that you also shared in my irrational excitement Leah :)

And no Scott, that would certainly put a damper on the experience. A very gross, horrible damper reminiscent of dagwood dogs... :P