Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Flower Power

It is just about that time of year again. The time of year when the overly enthusiastic radio announcer makes it her mission to constantly remind us that it is nearing Love Month. It has been almost a year since I started this blog, and for those who have been following from the beginning (I'm talking to you here Tim), you may remember that I mentioned this radio announcer in last year's Valentine's Day blog. I'm quite sure that it is the same announcer; her voice seems to grate on me in the same way as last year's Love Month advocate. However, irritating disembodied voices aside, the reality is that Valentine's Day is swiftly approaching.

Cliches abound on Valentine's Day; flowers, chocolates, those tiny heart shaped lollies with the cute little love-related messages delicately written with sugar.... the whole shebang. I love cliches. In my opinion they are cliches because they work. Flowers are particularly lovely. Chocolates are great but they are great on any occasion. There is something special about flowers. It is with a certain degree of alarm that I have realised that many people do not understand the act of giving flowers. These misguided people are often men, although can include women as well. I am reminded here of an episode of Prison Break. Towards the beginning of the series Micheal is attempting to woo Sarah, the prison doctor. Initially his motivation for wooing her is so that he can use the infirmary in his escape, however as time progresses Sarah captures his heart (aww...). Anyway, Micheal asks Sarah what her favourite flower is. Sarah, in an attempt to convey a tough exterior, replies that she doesn't like flowers because they only die. The next day Sarah enters her office to find a paper origami flower that is clearly from Micheal, and she cannot keep the smile from her lips. A flower that will never die. If any female viewers hadn't already melted under the intense gaze of Wentworth Miller, this scene would have done the trick.

However Sarah, like many women, has completely missed the point of flower giving. It doesn't matter that flowers wither and die after a few days (or even less if it's the height of a Townsville summer). One of the wonderful things about flowers is that they serve no functional purpose. They are simply beautiful. When someone gives you flowers you don't have to do anything with them, or use them to accomplish a particular task or put them towards anything else of practical value. All that is required of you is the ability to admire their natural beauty. I love that about flowers. We give them to people who we care about because they display the amazing artistry of our awesome God who loves us immensely. So immensely that the world He created is overflowing with breathtaking beauty that serves no other role than that of reflecting His great love.

"Every experience of beauty points to [eternity]". - Hans Urs Von Balthasar.

I have no idea who Hans is but he seems to be on the right track. Sharing a small portion of this beauty through something as simple as flowers is, in my opinion, incredibly lovely.

As an aside, this week I have been reading a book called "Captivating" by John and Stasi Eldredge. If you haven't read it you really should, it's a great book. Essentially the book explores the heart of a woman. A portion of the book talks about beauty, here is a quote:

"Have you ever wondered why we send flowers to the bereaved? In the midst of their suffering and loss, only a gift of beauty says enough, or says it right".

When you are going through a difficult time in your life, there is nothing worse than receiving one of those patronising cards with a giant smiley face leering at you with the slogan "Everything will be ok!" written underneath. Sometimes words don't suffice. Sometimes it takes an experience of true beauty to calm our hearts.

So to all of those who will be celebrating Valentine's Day this year, particularly men, don't give your loved one something practical or useful. Give her something that is entirely useless yet stunningly beautiful. I hope that this blog has helped to give a little perspective on flower giving. :)


Tim said...

Thought provoking as always-hehehe I'm gonna tell your former colleges at country living that you told people to avoid their shop before valentines day and just get flowers. btw did u hear about jonny's gift of Flours (as in two bags of flour) wrapped up in nice paper for justine beal's birthday- poor justine :D

Chris Inness said...

Thanks Carly. As a guy I appreciate you saying this..

Especially as I can look to the practical side of things and ignore the simple things..

Hope you have a great weekend!!

Take care

Lukas said...

Thanks for reminding me Carly, I'm on the radio this morning and need some stuff to talk about haha. I can speak for all males when I say we just don't understand the effect flowers have on a girl. Unfortunately the majority of men give flowers only at the start of a relationship (when they're after something else in return) and when they've done something wrong. I personally think flowers are better just out of the blue - forget Valentine's Day (where you'll pay double the usual rate anyway), just give a huge bunch of flowers to your wife and see her reaction. Hopefully it's not immediate suspicion ('what have you done?')!!

Leah said...

Hmmm. I love flowers, I do. And I love the fact that my now-husband is willing to fork out what is often quite a chunk of money for those boxed floral arrangements.

But I'd be equally as happy with a normal bunch of flowers for half or possibly a third of the price, and use the other half for something more practical. Even something like a book :)

I also think Tim meant "colleagues" as opposed to "colleges" lol... I don't think you've ever lived at a college ;)

Carly said...

Thanks for the comments guys - it's always really lovely to read them! :)

Some of those expensive arrangements are really lovely, but I think that nicest bunch of flowers I've ever been given were hand picked from a garden. They were beautiful and smelt lovely... and it was a little more personal which is always nice! Although WOW some arrangements that you can buy are so special! I'm glad that Andre is doing well in the flower department Leah :)

ACE said...

I love practical gifts but I can't help loving flowers... you're right, they're something so special about beauty. I've heard some ontological arguements about GOD based around the existence of beauty but I'm not deep and philosophical enough to get much meaning from them :P.