Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Cost of Fear

This is my second blog in one night. Excessive blogging is quite normal for someone like Nathan, however I rarely blog so frequently.

The reason that I am posting again is because of a news story that I recently stumbled across. The title of the news report is "Addict" has 15 abortions in 17 years.

There are lots of selfish people in this world, however this story really does take the proverbial cake. It appears to me that Irene Vilar, the protagonist in this horrible tale, has seriously misunderstood the profound value of life if she is able to knowingly kill 15 of her own children. I understand that, as in all situations, there were some confounding factors that fueled her abortion addiction. In her memoir, Irene attributes blame to a difficult marriage and an older, overly controlling husband. However, this line in her interview really did upset me:

"But (Irene) believes the availability of abortion saved her life as she would have found a way to end her pregnancies, legal or not."

I cannot fathom why the 'happy ending' to this story would be that through killing 15 precious lives, she was able to save her own. Yes, it is wonderful that Irene is alive and able to share her reflections from this lived-nightmare, yet it came at such a great cost. Abortion, by its very nature, does not save lives. It's primary function is to take lives. 15 children, each uniquely and wonderfully made. That is nearly the size of my grade one class at Vincent.

The question I would like to ask Irene is this: At what point did you realise that you could no longer allow fear and selfishness to murder your children?

For people who are considering abortion, I would firstly urge you to read Gianna. This is an incredible story about a little girl who survived abortion. She suffered many physical and emotional scars, yet she truly understands why life is so precious. Please read it. I own it, and I will happily give it to you.

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